BBE Protecting

BBE cares about protecting the environment. BBE raises awareness with IOC’s operating in Mexico about caring about Mexico’s environment. BBE is actively involved and has adopted an endangered sea turtle conservation center in Campeche Mexico, Grupo Ecologista Quelonios (GEQ). GEQ was founded 30 years ago by local fisherman, the same local fisherman leads today GEQ.

BBE Transforming

BBE collaborating with Tabasco and other Sates in Mexico to raise awareness on the challenges for Mexican Suppliers to meet international standards and the importance of their development for E&P Operators to meet Mexican Local Content.

BBE Engaging

BBE is passionate and committed to developing and creating opportunities for communities around us. BBE is engaged serving on several NGO Boards that focus on serving underprivileged families collaborating with Universities that foster and promote Science Technology Engineering and Match (STEM).

Part of BBE’s Mexico Portfolio

Part of BBE’s Mexico Portfolio is advising IOC’s on their new country access/growth portfolio in E&P/Downstream/Midstream helping them identifying and forming new partnerships/JV’s with trusted Mexican Partners. Yesterday in Campeche touring offshore with an IOC & a potential Mexican Partner.