We help our clients Identifying Key Value Drivers with their JV’s to create strong and sustainable joint business. We help our clients create valuable JV’s where partners can enjoy peace of mind knowing the right process and controls were agreed and established to allow all parties focus on running efficient, economic and transparent operations.

We help our clients negotiate win-win Joint Operating Agreements well thought and planned to optimize the assets in the venture
with fit for purpose processes, controls and performance management structure to minimize disruptions and numerous meetings
that typically take place and still no clarity when all of this is missing. The drainage and disruption for all parties is on-going. We
help our clients collaborating with their multi-disciplinary teams from relevant departments to negotiate JOA where the energy is
spent on developing and optimizing joint assets vs. stressing and draining organizations.
We help our clients feel comfortable with their JV Operational Management working side-by side together to implement the right
structure to deliver effective Operational Management for operating or non-operating assets.
We work to ensure all parties have agreed on the required key and critical points the ones that take away peace of mind, the day to
day activities such as share data, cadence, AFE’s, cash calls, opex vs capex, processes, operating committees etc. tailor to
partners needs to ensure JV’s delivers the expected economic value or greater where Partner Recovery and joining forces adds
value vs. eroding it.
On mature JOA’s we help our clients optimize their position based on agreed terms drawing more value of the JV and improve
cost recovery.
We help our clients build local capability training their teams on how to negotiate and manage JOA’s. We do this in English and Spanish

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BBE Transforming
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